Interviews, Layouts and Mohawks

I have a 4th interview set up in mid-April. This one is for an online program, but I'll travel to Little Rock, AR for the interview. Waiting to hear from 4 more schools....

Here is another Jen Hall "The Write Stuff" LO of 2008 in Review:

And one I did using the Mosaic technique from the Feb/March issue of Scrapbooks Etc:

And finally, Hubby's new hair-do:

Yes, I realize the lighting is HORRIBLE!! Seems like everyone is getting in touch with their manual mode lately, which definitely makes me want to revisit my notes from high school photography class! Ah, if only there were more hours in a day!


Ange said…
Great LOs Trisha! Love the splash of pink with the b/w grey. Very nice! And I have to say I love your mosaic LO even though Im not usually a huge fan of mosaic. I put it in the "too hard basket"! Well done!
Melissa D said…
Oohh.... Like that mosaic effect. I will have to keep my eyes open for the copy of that mag over here. I like to buy it from time to time.
Nice to 'meet' your partner too....

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