My New Best Friend, Expedia

Those of you who have been asking more details about my interviews, today is your lucky day. I've been giving Expedia quite the workout and here's why:

Wednesday March 25 Brandeis University (Boston)
Friday April 3 University of Texas Medical School (Houston)
Monday April 6 University of Utah Health Sciences Center (Salt Lake City)
Thursday April 9 Northwestern University Medical School (Chicago)
Thursday April 16-Friday April 17 University of Arkansas (Little Rock)
Monday April 20 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Only waiting to hear back from two more!

And for family or anyone else who's just curious, I'll post more details about flights and such later. For now, I'm late for a lunch date with Expedia. Many more plans to finalize!


Brenda said…
Hey Trisha,
I added you to my blog list hope you don't mind....I love your scrapbooking layouts they are gorgeous.

Take care

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