
I waited around for this weeks installation of 52 lists, but still no sign. I figured I'd just steal another blog post idea from my lovely friend, Wendy, just to play around until the new list is posted.


Loving: my job, my house, my hubby

Excited for: Grant and Sarah's wedding this weekend, and our new couch we ordered yesterday!

Worried about: passing my boards (even though I'm just now starting to study)

Creating: a refinished, more colorful bookshelf

Hating: that my joints are hurting so bad and that chiropractic care is not a covered benefit on my new health plan :(

Wondering: if we will find a new geneticist to join our group

Craving: anything. So hungry right now.

Hoping: tomorrow is not too crazy and I can catch up on paperwork and patient letters.

Watching: way too many shows on the DVR. Last night was Kitchen Nightmares. Tonight is probably going to be Chopped or Iron Chef. Or Hoarders. Hmmm...decisions.

Listening to: Bruno Mars. (My current music addiction)

Looking forward to: getting the house all organized and prettified, and this weeks "52 Lists"


Jewels said…
I love alll of those shows, but alas, usually miss them. Cuts into my scrapping time!

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